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Tuesday, October 23, 2007


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************************************** GOOD NEWS *********************************
Mary Help of Christians Market Vendors have relocated. The market vendors have reformed for a great cause, to raise funds for the schools in the area that have lost funding for several programs. The Earth School, Thompson Square Middle School and P.S. 64, have welcomed the market to help raise sorely needed funds. Running for a few weekends in the fall of 2008, the market resumed for the spring of 2009 and has since opened as of May 9th at 4th St. between Avenues B and C. It will be running until June 14th and possibly longer. Open Saturdays and Sundays 7am - 7pm. New Vendor are welcome to contact Jeanette at 212-979-2186 or Deb 347-216-4691!! All are welcome to come and show your support for the schools and the vendors. See you at the Schoolyard!

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