"Thomas Jefferson remained deeply troubled by the
practice of giving and receiving presents throughout his years in
Washington, though it was a conventional aspect of diplomatic protocol."
photo by earthdog
Yeah, sounds like Christmas. While you're pondering intra-familial gifting inequities, and bitterly slashing names from next year's list, it might be heartening to consider gift-giving in the historical context. The Bard Graduate Center is presenting two lectures about gift-giving next week, and in the same theme, a concert. See the complete schedule here.
7–8:00 pm Monday January 7:
Negotiating Gifts: Thomas Jefferson’s Diplomatic Presents and Counter-presents
6–8:00 pm Wednesday January 9:
Fragile Diplomacy: Meissen Porcelain for European Courts
6–9:00 pm Thursday January 10:
Instrumental Offerings: Music as a Diplomatic Gift in 18th-Century Europe (concert)