lot 2280 Akragas, Silver Litra: Stack's The Kroisos Collection
Monday January 14
- Christie's 2 pm: Open House
- Stack's 10 am: The Lawrence R. Stack Collection
- Stack's 11 am: The Kroisos Collection
Tuesday January 15
- Christie's 10 am and 2 pm: Christie's Interiors
- Stack's 10 am: The Lawrence Stack Collection of Numismatic Images and The Americana Sale
Wednesday January 16
- Christie's 10 am and 2 pm: Christie's Interiors
- Bloomsbury, please check website
- Stack's 10 am: The Americana Sale
Thursday January 17
- Christie's 10 am and 2 pm: Important American Silver
- Christie's 2 pm: Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Prints And Decoys
Friday January 18
- Christie's 10 am and 3:30 pm: Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Prints And Decoys
- Christie's 12 pm: Property From The Collection OF George & Lesley Schoedinger
- Christie's 2 pm: The Collection Of Marguerite And Arthur Riordan, Stonington, Connecticut
- Sotheby's 10 am: Important Americana
Saturday January 19
- Sotheby's 10 am: Property from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. George Fenimore Johnson
- Sotheby's 2 pm: Important Americana
- Tepper 10 am: Fine & Decorative Arts Estates Auction, Featuring the Estate of Percival H.E. Leach