I usually only post stories about New York City auctions one can attend in the real, vs. the virtual, world. But this house came across my attention lately: Collection Liquidators, "the world's premier source of black Americana." Located on Lafayette Street, they hold only absentee auctions. In 2006, Antique Trader spotlighted company owner Allen Liffman, (see the "about us" page) who said that his bidders come from all over the U.S., Europe and even the Far East. The next sale is this Saturday, April 19, 2008.
Many collectors are African American themselves, and regard these items, good or bad, as part of their history and emergence. The recent spat over the Diane Arbus photos started in this world. Before Arbus was identified as the artist, Langmuir and Ogunsanya were interested in the photos of Hubert's Dime Museum and Flea Circus primarily as black Americana collectors.
Collection Liquidators include vintage "Klan Kollectibles" in their sales. The thought of cute-sifying the word "collection" with a "k" to match "Klan" seems really "krazy" to me.