The Bard Graduate Center always has something interesting going on. On Saturday the 31st, as part of their exhibition Out of This World: Shaker Design Past, Present, and Future, you can stop by and watch the making of a Shaker oval box. Other events include a talk on the 29th called The Shaker Legacy: A Personal Prespective; and on June 6th there's a lecture and tour called Visions Made Tangible: Shaker Gift Drawings.
The whole "make a box" thing seems so not New York, so . . . I don't know . . . gentle.
But is it? “This exhibition is designed to shock people visually and intellectually and challenge preconceptions about Shaker design after 1820,” said show-organizer Jean M. Burks, the senior curator at the Shelburne Museum in Vermont. “The Shakers were not as simple as people think.” So now, with my suspicious New Yorker's mind, I have to wonder . . . what was in those boxes, anyways?
‘Tis a Gift to Be Complex [New York Times]