Bonhams | 580 Madison Avenue
- March 19: Property from the Estate of Liza Hyde
- March 19: Japanese Works of Art
Christie's | 20 Rockefeller Plaza
- March 17: Japanese and Korean Art
- March 18: Fine Chinese Art from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections
- March 18: Fine Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art Including Jades from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
- March 19: South Asian Modern and Contemporary Art
- March 19: Fine Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art Including Jades from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
- March 20: Highlights from the Star Collection: From India to Indonesia
- March 20: Indian and South East Asian Art: Including Highlights from the Star Collection
Doyle | 175 East 87th Street
- March 17: Asian Works of Art
- March 18 & 19: Jewelry, Watches, Silverware and Coins
IM Chait | 267 5th Avenue 11th Floor
- March 20: Important Chinese Ceramics & Asian Works of Art
- March 21: Natural History Auction
Sotheby's | 1334 York Avenue
- March 14: The Classic Cellar from a Great American Collector
- March 17: Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art
- March 18: Indian & Southeast Asian Art